This is our “join the party” surf lesson for all ages 13 & up. Perfect for the solo traveler on a budget, it includes surfboards, good full wetsuits, fifteen minutes of safety and land demonstration, and 90 minutes in the waves. Staffing at one instructor for every 3-4 students insures that everyone has a great time!
• Beginners
• Athletic students
• Solo party people
• Groups of party people!
Early-Bird Special
1.5HR $99/pperson
Our ever-popular 7am wake-up call! This best-buy on a fantastic summer group lesson includes surfboards, good full wetsuits, fifteen minutes of safety and land demonstration, and 60+ minutes in the waves. We staff at better than one instructor per four students, with no surfers under the age of 13. “Dawn patrol” is the classic California experience: Less wind and crowds, and plenty of parking. (Tip your instructor; They need it for coffee 🙂
• Beginners and intermediate surfers age 13 and up.
• Travelers on a budget
• People with alarm clocks